The amplifier circuit is reasonably simple and came together quite well and I made a power supply in a plastic food storage container o hold 4 6V Lantern batteries which serve as a bi-polar power supply. It sat neatly in a grounded aluminium case and I was confident it was connected correctly.
I did a quick calculation based on the likey local magnetic field strength as to what capacitors should be switched on via the dip switch:
I even found that my local supermarket was selling "highly distilled" water as a health drink so I got some and was ready to go. The first time I did a run I was very excited to see a strong signal.
Doing an FFT analysis (via scipy.signal.periodogram) showed a number of promising peaks in rougly the right place.
Perhaps a little on the high side but in the right area for sure. Then I stopped to think a bit. The signal was remarkably clean, even before filtering. There was no sign of the 50Hz noise others have seen. And when I looked more closely it did look a bit more like it was "ringing". Was I actually seeing what I thought I was? I did a number of runs with different conditions (longer delay, longer data collection) and was getting similar results. The I decided to try it without the water sample in place. The results, to say the least, were disappointing:
Similar results were obtained when the polarisation coil was unconnected and the data collection run with no polarisation. If the sensor coil is disconnected completely from the amplifier, only broad-spectrum noise is recorded.
So what's going on? I went back to re-read the appropriate chapter of "Signals from the Sub-Atomic World". I also downloaded the Gerber files for their PCB and examined their photos of the amplifier. From this I realised that I had not full appreciated the importance of some of the precautions against oscillation. I thought that simply having a ground plane, an insulated case and a (more or less) linear signal path would do. But I see now that there's some important things I overlooked (admittedly it would have been useful to show the decoupling caps on the schematic, but they are only part of the problem). I will not redesign the PCB to have:
- Full surface mount. Their design has no through-hole components and even the few unavoidably through-hole components (an op-amp and the audio transformer) are mounted in an SMD style.
- Proper decoupling caps on the positive and negative power suppliesas close as possible to each amplifier IC.
- Very short power traces on the PCB (their design has power cables attached to several places on the board right near where they are needed)
- A full ground plane, uninterrupted by traces, on the underside of the board and substantial ground planes on the top. Also thick ground and signal traces.
- A smaller, more compact board.
- No test points - these made the signal path non-linear and were not useful anyway as any testing can be done directly on the ICs.
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